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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Peanut Butter and Jam

I know I know I have been a little lax the last few days and haven't posted anything and I am sorry.  So, with that said I have been a little bit busy.  I have gotten a few things completed.

I have the finished product of my flier and currently have 100 copies to start sending out.  The plan tomorrow after I take my daughter to school to to at least get them up around my neighborhood and maybe even the development across the street from me.  (We are part of the same HOA).  I am hoping with Halloween only a few weeks away I may get some nibbles...(no pun intended).  I am really excited about this and honestly can't wait to see what I get.

If any fans of my Facebook pages checked in today they would have seen that I have three projects in the Italian Rum Cake, Tiramisu, and a PB and J snack Bar.  The last one is what got made today.  It is for my daughter's class snack tomorrow.  (I did sneak a few pieces.....OMG!)  If you like PB and J, this is absolutely a must.

I will let you know if a class of three year olds liked it or not......(honestly not to worried).

Lastly I would like to say a special thanks to an old friend, D, she sent me an message through Facebook the other day and wanted to tell me what I had done for her. She had told me I had given her the kick in the butt she needed to follow her dream.....making pies and other delicious goods.  It was so nice to hear something like that.  I am glad I could give her some inspiration.  She would ultimately like to open an cafe, but knows that is in the future.  So, D, good luck with what you do. I hope you have great success.

The other projects are for next week.....I will let know how they turn out.

Until next time...... Happy Baking!

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