The one that had more success was the Apple Streusel Muffins. I found the recipe on several months ago, but never had the real desire to try it until now. (I can't lie. My first thoughts about it was it had too many steps to build the muffin. I was lazy in the beginning.) I am very happy that I tried it out. They tasted really really good. If you want to check it out here is the link..... .
Everyone that had one thought they were great. I even have to admit they were good. I had only one complaint..... there needed to be more filling.
See what I mean?
This one wasn't too bad, but some also needed the filling to be more throughout the muffin. While talking with my husband after each of us taste testing them. He suggested about freezing the filling before putting them in the muffins. I thought that was great idea. Then the wheels really started turning for me. (I was told he could almost see my brain working with a million ideas.) After talking out loud, saying random things, and not standing still it finally hit me. I could use a mold to put the filling in until in harden then just drop them in the muffins. So, the search began for the mold.
My first thought for a mold was a cake pop mold I came across a few weeks ago. The original mold was only six and much deeper then what I really needed. I thought this would work, but I ended finding something even better.
Much better!
So, I have already made the filling and put into the mold and in the freezer. Later today I will be making as many muffins I can. I promise to let you all know how things turn out. (Oh no! This might mean two posts in one day! Who would have thunk it? Ok, to be honest the post will probably be tomorrow after more people taste test them.)
Until next time...... Happy Baking!