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Sunday, January 29, 2012

Apple Streusel Muffins

In the past two weeks I tried two new things.  Both are a little outside my comfort zone.  I was a little hesitated about doing this, but was very excited at the same time.  I decided to try my hand at muffins.  Overall, one was more successful then the other.

The one that had more success was the Apple Streusel Muffins.  I found the recipe on  several  months ago, but never had the real desire to try it until now.  (I can't lie.  My first thoughts about it was it had too many steps to build the muffin.  I was lazy in the beginning.)  I am very happy that I tried it out.  They tasted really really good.  If you want to check it out here is the link..... .


Everyone that had one thought they were great.  I even have to admit they were good. I had only one complaint..... there needed to be more filling.

See what I mean?

This one wasn't too bad, but some also needed the filling to be more throughout the muffin.  While talking with my husband after each of us taste testing them.  He suggested about freezing the filling before putting them in the muffins.  I thought that was great idea.  Then the wheels really started turning for me. (I was told he could almost see my brain working with a million ideas.)  After talking out loud, saying random things, and not standing still it finally hit me.   I could use a mold to put the filling in until in harden then just drop them in the muffins.  So, the search began for the mold.

My first thought for a mold was a cake pop mold I came across a few weeks ago.  The original mold was only six and much deeper then what I really needed.  I thought this would work, but I ended finding something even better.

Much better!

So, I have already made the filling and put into the mold and in the freezer.  Later today I will be making as many muffins I can.  I promise to let you all know how things turn out.  (Oh no! This might mean two posts in one day!  Who would have thunk it? Ok, to be honest the post will probably be tomorrow after more people taste test them.)

Until next time...... Happy Baking!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

French Toast Casserole

Some of you may remember that I work in retail during my spare time.  So, the last 2 months have be rather crazy for me.  I was working 6 days a week.  I use to have off just about every weekend, but that became non-existent.  When I had off on the weekends I tried to make a nice breakfast one of the two days.  Ok, most of the time it was just pancakes and sausage because that was all my daughter would eat. Now that I have my weekends back, I want to get back into making breakfast and also baking something.

This weekend I decided to make a French Toast Casserole.  The picture had me sold from the beginning.  

What do you think?

I got the recipe from Betty Crocker.  If you would like to try it for yourself here is the link.... .  

Now, I am sorry I forgot to take a picture of my version.  I know I deserve a flogging for my mistaken, but I hope you all forgive this time.  I think mine looked very similar except for the nuts.  I am not big on nuts.  

Ok, I need to stop making it sound like it was prefect because it wasn't.  I know hard to believe, but it is true.  I also know I am my own worst critic.  I always will be.  Overall, it turn out good.  There just needs to be a few adjustments next around.  The first thing I need to do is let it come to room temperature before putting into the oven.  The next is how the bread is arranged in the pan.  The overlapping caused the covered parts not to be cook.  I am thinking the solution to this is to use a bigger pan and lay all the bread flat instead of overlapping them.  I know this will use less bread, so I know I will need to make an adjustment to how much batter is used.  I am thinking next time will be better.  I promise to let you know when I do this and take pictures too.

Until next time...... Happy Baking!!!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Red Velvet Cupcakes

In my last post I had told you that a dear friend's birthday was coming up and she wanted red velvet for her cake.  This weekend was the first trial run of a recipe.  I thought I would start with a recipe from someone whom I believe is the epitome of Southern cooking.... Paula Deen.  I did not have to look very far on her website to find a recipe.  This is the one I used..... .  I found it to be a very easy recipe.  I would honestly recommend it to anyone who is an amateur baker.  There is a few more things about it, but I will get to them in a minute because I know all of you want to see the cupcakes.  I know it is the only reason anyone reads my blog is to look at all the pretty pictures.  It's ok.  I don't blame you.  I love looking at things I wish I could eat too.  So, no more stalling.....


Well, what do you think?  I know looks great and it was good too.

Ok, now onto some of the other stuff about the cake.  I will be honest I have no idea what a red velvet cake should taste like.  I have had it before, but I will admit I thought it was a bit dry.  These cupcakes to me just tasted like any cake.  It did not have any real distinct flavor to it.  The birthday girl tried and thought they were ok.  They were good, but not what she was looking for.  After some discussion, this version is not exactly what she is looking for in the cake.  So, it is back to oven for me.  I have a recipe from one of my favorite websites...  There is a few tweaks that I will need to make, but I think it will work.  Of course, I will let you know all about it when I make them.

Until next time...... Happy Baking!!!

Friday, January 6, 2012

A New Year.... A New Beginning

It is a new year and I finally have an idea what other posts I want to make besides letting you know about my baking adventures.  I am planning on writing about different baking topics.  This topics could be about recipes, baking techniques, baking tools, or just fun ideas I come across.

This one is going to be a little mix of both.  

A very good friend of mine is turning 40 this May.  She is already starting to make plans for it.  She wants a red velvet cake for the party and of course she thought of me.  Why wouldn't she?  Well, we talked about it and she has a few requests about the cake.  They are simple things, but for me they could be a challenge.  Even though I have had made red velvet before, it is still a little foreign to me since I didn't grow up in the South.  So, for the next step I need to start looking for recipes and try them out.  My first try-out will be this weekend.  After a suggestion from B, I found a Paula Deen cupcake recipe.  The picture makes it look so good.....

Can't wait to try it!

Don't worry my faithfully readers..... I'll will let you all know about how they turned out and how they look.

But, this whole thing got me thinking.  I never heard of a red velvet cake before I moved to Texas.  I had no idea what it was.  A cake that was red?  I know I know you could make a cake any color with the magic of food coloring, but this wasn't a colored white cake.  It was its own thing.  Then it made me think.... 

What other desserts, sweets, and pastries that are out there that I never heard of because they are a regional thing?  

I need to find out.  I am truly curious about this.  One way to solve this problem will be to travel around the country or maybe even the world going from bakery to bakery.  Ummmm, no.  Not really a feasible idea.  (Very nice thought, though!)  Ok, I guess I can go with option 2.... surfing the web.  This will be my next step.  I going to do some research and let you know what I find.  This is going to be fun!

Until next time....... Happy Baking!