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Monday, February 28, 2011

Transformer Birthday Cake!

I was lucky enough to make a special little boy his birthday cake.  He wanted a Transformer cake.  So, I got to buy a new toy, a Transformer shaped cake pan.   Here is the final product:

The cake was a white cake with buttercream icing.  The entire cake was done with a No. 3 star tip.

I was told by the mother that the boy was very happy and thought it was very cool.  She also informed me that every one kept asking her where she got the cake, so she was great PR for me that day and handed out my business cards to everyone.  Keep you fingers crossed for me that I start getting more orders.
I also found out today that the Italian Cream Cake were also a big hit.  One woman said she loved it and she doesn't really care Italian Cream Cake. I was very happy to hear this since this was my first time making it. 

Until next time....... Happy Baking!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Might have more business

This week I was asked to make two Italian Cream Cakes for a new customer.  He is a Philly transplant like myself and we have talked several times about many different things.  He recently took over his family's pretzel business and has been thinking of expanding  some things.  He had a family get together this week and asked me to make the cakes.  I of course was delighted to.

It is a three layer cake with cream cheese icing, pecans, and coconut.

I have not found what they thought of them. I haven't needed to get any pretzels since I delivered them.  I don't want to jump ahead of myself, but I am hoping that this might turn into something more.  Send good thoughts, please.

Until next time.... Happy Baking!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Valentine's Day Treats

With Valentine's Day fast approaching, I needed to make some sort of treat for my daughter's class.  The party itself was today.  So, for the longest time I couldn't decided what I want to make.  It didn't help that she was also snack girl for another day this week.  But, finally I decided to make brownie pops.  I did make them different then what most of the websites called for.  Instead of making the brownie balls and putting them on a stick, I cut out heart shapes with a cookie cutter.  Alton Brown would be proud of me for not letting something in my kitchen be an uni-tasker.  (Sorry for the reference to those of you who don't watch Food Network)  Any way here was the final result......

As you can see, I cut them in heart shapes and put them on a popsicle stick.  I then drizzled melted milk chocolate over the top and sprinkled them with candy hearts. 

I did have left over brownies which I did do the more traditional "pop".  I just made little balls with the leftover and put them in lollipop sticks.  I did dip some in chocolate while left others plain.  My daughter went after these right away.  She kept saying..."Mommy, I taste, I taste."  Of course being the great mom that I am, I let her have one of each.  She devoured them in a blink of an eye.  I will take it they were good then.  I didn't keep any for myself though.  I handed out the rest to my co-workers.  They all said they looked great.  So, I will see on Friday how they thought they tasted.

I do have a cake order for a birthday party in two weeks.  I get to make another transformer cake.  This time the "good guy" logo.  I will post pictures and tell you all about it next time.

Until next time.......Happy Baking!