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Friday, October 29, 2010

New Idea

With not having any baking projects to do this week, I have had a lot of time to brainstorm. I had gotten this idea a little while ago when I was thinking of a way to send a friend his favorite dessert, a red velvet cake. Of course, the easiest would be to go there and just make it, but doubt people would want to pay the price to fly me there just to bake a cake. So, thr first thing I thought was it would be easier to sent cupcakes instead of a whole cake. My next problem was the frosting. To me the frosting is just as important as the cake. I would like it to be just as pretty when they get as it was sitting in my kitchen. But, anyone who has shipped anything, there are no guarantees. My initial solution was to use a stiffer frosting, one the would get hard but still be ok to eat. I still didn't like that idea. I have received too many complements on my frosting to change it. I didn't actively think about it for a few weeks, but it was always in the back of my mind. Then just the other night, I was talking with my husband about what I needed to do this weekend and he mentioned cupcakes. He then asked if I had thought of shipping them. I told him I had, but had my concerns. Then we both almost came up with the same idea of Create Your Own Cupcakes.

The idea is simple. You choose everything that you want from the kind of cake to the toppings. You would have the same variety in the cakes and frosting as you would if you were a local order. The topping could be seasonal or just everyday things. I would bake the cupcakes and make the frosting. All the items would be shipped together, but separate. After you received the package all you would need to do it decorate how you want. I know you mightbe thinking, "What is the point?". The point would be several things. You may not have the time to do everything, but the the time to decorate. Or it could be a family fun thing. Or it could event be a thing to do with a group if kids as a fun art project. I think the list could go on. Please tell me I am not crazy.

Until next time....... Happy Baking!

Friday, October 22, 2010

A little bit of a slow time

Not much has happened for me since my last posting.  I have been spending most of my time surfing the internet looking for the right Red Velvet Cake recipe for the cakewalk next weekend.  I finally found one with a cream cheese frosting.  I was actually surprised most of the recipes called for a cooked frosting similar to butter cream.  But, I have been told by many the a red velvet should have a cream cheese so that is what I went with.  I can't wait to make a whole cake this time.  Up until now I have only made cupcakes.

Yesterday, I did make another carmel apple trifle, but this time I made a few adjustments to fit my family's personal taste.  I used a smaller box of vanilla pudding, used 2 cans of apples instead one, and used a homemade angel food cake instead of ladyfingers.  It was a bigger hit than the last one.  But, the one thing it did do was leave me with a bunch of egg yolks.  I had no idea what to do with them.  I know it isn't that big of a deal to throw them away, but since I know I will be making another angel food for next weekend, I figured I need to find something to with at least some of those egg yolks.  The only thing I came up with so far was Creme Brulee.  If any of you have any suggestions and it doesn't have to be a baked good either, please let me know.  I am willing to try anything.  I am almost positive that I will try my hand at the creme brulee.  That should be fun.

Lastly, I would like to thank a very dear dear friend of mine, S.  She designed two business cards for me and I think they look absolutely fabulous.  I am hoping this weekend to get to a office supply store and get some business card paper and get some printed up.  Once I get them printed up I will show all of you.  Again S, thank you so much.  I think you deserve some chocolate meringue cookies as payment.

Until next time..... Happy Baking!

Monday, October 18, 2010

A few good things happened

I had few things happen today that I think could lead to some things.

First, I stopped by my HOA office to find out about the cakewalk they were having at our Halloween festival in two weeks.  I will be truthful I had never heard one before today.  After I heard what it was and someone would be getting one of my cakes, I said, "Sign me up."  I have already decided what I am making.  I will be making two cakes.  Right away I knew I should make my Cinnamon Apple Angel Food Cake and it didn't take me that long to decided on the second one.  I was thinking to go a little Halloweenish (if that is a word), so  I decided on a Red Velvet with Cream Cheese Frosting.  I know this will drive a good friend on mine crazy knowing that he can't have any, but oh well he will just have to deal it.

Second, while I was talking with the woman at the HOA about the cakewalk, I mentioned how I was trying to start my own business.  She said that was great and asked if knew about the craft type show they were having in December.  I didn't.  She then told me about it.  I could have a booth for $15 or $20 depending on the size I wanted and I could sell anything I wanted.  I thought to my OMG, I could sell so many things.  So, this is something I will need to keep in mind.  And who knows, I could end up with many on the spot returning customers with Christmas only being 3 weeks later.

Lastly, I will have my ad run in my HOA monthly newsletter next month.  This I am hoping will generate some business very soon, since it will come out in time for Thanksgiving.

Please keep your fingers crossed!

Until next time...... Happy Baking!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Carmel Apple Trifle

Today I was suppose to go to a pumpkin patch with my family, but unfortunately my little one got sick.  So, instead of spending the day outside among the pumpkins, we are stayed home and will carve and paint pumpkins later.  Of course one of the things I was looking forward to was the farm we go to has a little bakery with homemade goods.  Well, since I couldn't see and smell all of their baked goods I decided to do something myself.  I know I know, how predictable of me, but I am doing something I have never done before....... a trifle.

I hope some of you are asking yourself..."What is a trifle?"  It is ok if you are because for the longest time I had no idea what one was myself.  The best way to describe what it is, is this..... it some cake (I have seen angel food, yellow, pound, and ladyfingers) usually mixed with a pudding, fruit and whipped cream.  I also have seen ones that call for chocolate, coffee, and nuts.  It works out to look much like a parfait with all the layers.

I came up with the idea when I had leftover ladyfingers from the tiramisu and wasn't sure what to with them.  Also, I was thinking what baked good ingredients come to mind when a person thinks of fall.  The things that popped into mind right away was pumpkin and apples.  I am not a big fan of pumpkin so I went with apples.  So, after looking through some of my favorite websites, I found a recipe for a Carmel Apple Trifle.  I needed to make a few adjustments because number one I was not about to make as much as the recipe called for (we would have been eating trifle until Halloween) and it called for yellow cake and I used ladyfingers.  Here is the final result:


Well that is all for now.

Until next time...... Happy Baking!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Updates on Some Projects

Well, the the Italian Rum Cake and Tiramisu went over very well.  All of the teachers loved it.  One was even quoted, "If these are anything like the those peanut butter things you made they will be awesome."  I really liked that vote of confidence.  And for of those who missed the pictures on Facebook here they are again

(Try not to drool on your computer)

I was very happy to hear everything except for a very a small part of the Italian Rum Cake was eaten.  But, I know those teachers I doubt what was left of the cake will last very long in their fridge.  My next project for school will be next month for my daughter's snack.  As soon as I find something I let you all know.

I am of course at a road block for how to advertise without spending too much money.  I looking around to see if I can find some community bulletin boards, but haven't been having too much luck yet.  I am open to any suggestions anyone may have, I am really at a lost.

Lastly I need to share with you the words of a child.  The friend that I sent the cookies to awhile back has a daughter.  T was going to be very nice and share her cookies with S, but S wanted her own cookies and kept asking where were hers.  Well, a couple days ago, T had some family over and S kept bragging about how her mommy has a friend who baked and sent them cookies.  I was told S was excited talking about the cookies and then turned to her mom and said "When are we getting more cookies?'  T could only laugh and say. "Maybe if you are good, you will get some for Christmas."  My thought is only out of the mouth of a child. (And T, let her know we might be able to work something out for Christmas.)

Until next time.... Happy Baking!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

No One is Perfect

A few things have happened over the last few days.

First thing was I did put up fliers around my neighborhood and within 2 days they were all gone.  I know that our HOA doesn't allow solicitation, but sometimes they are SO inconsistent with their rules.  But, I am not going to on about that.  I just need to find a new outlet for my advertising.

The PB and Jelly snack bars were a big hit with the kids.  I was told they loved them.  Some of the adults in school also told me they were good.  I was also thinking it might a good a product that I can ship without too much problem.  So, that will be a good thing.

Today I started making the Italian Rum Cake.  I was reminded that not everything comes out perfect the first time.  I made the sponge cake and ummmm..... let's just say it wasn't good.  Even my daughter didn't really care for it.

So, I made a few adjustments in temperature and the shape of the pan.  The second time was much better.  Well, with that said let get to make the filling for the cake.  I will post pictures of the final product tomorrow.  And also tomorrow is the tiramisu.  Hopefully that will go better since I am using pre-made ladyfingers instead of baking my on.  Of course I say that, but I almost had to make them myself since it took me forever to find them.

Until next time...... Happy Baking!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Peanut Butter and Jam

I know I know I have been a little lax the last few days and haven't posted anything and I am sorry.  So, with that said I have been a little bit busy.  I have gotten a few things completed.

I have the finished product of my flier and currently have 100 copies to start sending out.  The plan tomorrow after I take my daughter to school to to at least get them up around my neighborhood and maybe even the development across the street from me.  (We are part of the same HOA).  I am hoping with Halloween only a few weeks away I may get some nibbles...(no pun intended).  I am really excited about this and honestly can't wait to see what I get.

If any fans of my Facebook pages checked in today they would have seen that I have three projects in the Italian Rum Cake, Tiramisu, and a PB and J snack Bar.  The last one is what got made today.  It is for my daughter's class snack tomorrow.  (I did sneak a few pieces.....OMG!)  If you like PB and J, this is absolutely a must.

I will let you know if a class of three year olds liked it or not......(honestly not to worried).

Lastly I would like to say a special thanks to an old friend, D, she sent me an message through Facebook the other day and wanted to tell me what I had done for her. She had told me I had given her the kick in the butt she needed to follow her dream.....making pies and other delicious goods.  It was so nice to hear something like that.  I am glad I could give her some inspiration.  She would ultimately like to open an cafe, but knows that is in the future.  So, D, good luck with what you do. I hope you have great success.

The other projects are for next week.....I will let know how they turn out.

Until next time...... Happy Baking!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Caught up a bit

I was able to catch up with myself a bit today.

First thing, I made some adjustments on the flier and I think I have something that will work.  Keep in mind it will be in color, I just didn't want to waste the color until I knew I had the right thing.

What do you think?

I also believe I have come up with a price list.  I bounced a few ideas off of few friends and we came up with the same idea.  Cookies will be $12 a dozen.  Pies should be $12 to $15 depending on the pie.  Cupcakes will be $24 a dozen.  Cakes will start at $20.  Cakes cannot have a specific price because they can have the most variety.

So, now the last thing I really need to do is start getting the word out.  Wish me luck with that.

Until next time...... Happy Baking!